Jan 12

My friends it’s noon. I have completed two of three evaluations for the day. I started off at the physical therapy department to repeat yesterday’s evaluations but “on medication”. The largest difference I noted was the absence of pain while on the medication. There were some areas of noticeable differences in my movement patterns. I learned that the areas that respond to medication are the areas that will also be improved by the DBS surgery. Interesting.

I proceeded to the neurology department for my neuropsychology eval. Upon entering the waiting room I saw one of my favorite People With Parkinsons friends. ( one I actually know in person).
What delight ! I didn’t mention yesterday I just missed a FaceBook friend who also experiences Parkinsons. The Movement Disorders clinic felt like a meet-up place!

The neuropsychological eval was all verbal and pen on paper. I was quite happy to not have to answer on a computer screen. The examiner was such a professional following testing protocol exactly as he should. Of course I would care about such technical skills! He has a tight time line for his report writing so I will be interested in seeing the results soon.

I learned that my appointment with the neurosurgeon at 2 pm will not be a decision making meeting. He will be able to describe the process and answer our questions. My regular neurologist (movement disorder specialist, yes the one I spotted wearing a baseball cap yesterday) and I will be speaking in the next week or so to make the final decision.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. Your support means the world to me!

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